Weather-wise the trip home was worse than when we got to your house. We hadn’t gotten but a couple of curves from your house and a tree had fallen across the road and we waited for it to be removed. No biggie though and no one was hurt. Randolph Scott did wonderful! Hasn’t cried even one night. Oh – he’s adapting just fine!!!! He is such a character. He goes out with the big guys like he’s been with them for years! His brothers are the ones that are having to adapt. Believe it or not Rowdy Yates, my 6.5 yr old, has pretty much adjusted to Randolph Scott but Remington Steele, well, he’s taking longer. And all along I thought it would be Rowdy Yates that wouldn’t take to him. It’s not a very clear picture but Jeff finally got all 3 of the guys to sit together on the couch and took a picture. We have doggie stairs leading up to the couch and Randolph Scott goes up and down the stairs like a pro! In fact he has mastered the back porch and garage steps with no encouragement from us. I took him to our vet on Monday 10-10-16 and he weighed 4 lbs 10 oz. Growing like a little weed! No troubles with eating or drinking. And he is soooooo loving. And what a talker he is! Barks and yaps! And you should see him, and hear him, as I’m pouring his food in his bowl. Talk about barking and making funny noises! A total hoot! And Jeff fell in love with Jacob! Loved his eyebrows and his demeanor. Jeff has never been a big fan of large dogs but he said if you ever have giant parties he would love to have one!
Renee – I can’t thank you enough for Randolph Scott. He’s a pure joy. Let me know if you still want to meet Remington Steele when you and Bill are in Williamsburg. I’ve attached some pictures of Randolph Scott and what Matthew left for us.