Final vacs today and is 13.2 lbs! Getting pretty shaggy. Will get first haircut on January 4th. Neuter scheduled for January 16th. Sweet, precious little boy. Full of fun and loves to lick us all over face…nose, ears, eyes, lol. Absolutely loves people. Very cautious of strange noises and will let out a rolling bark, but otherwise is minimally vocal. Has always slept through the night from day 1. Sleeps and naps with Shelly but is all about me when I’m home. Has learned the sit and come commands. Still working on stay command. Navigates the stairs to the frog like a champ and is now able to jump to and from the couch at his own leisure (although physically he has been able to do so for weeks, but chose not to in what I can only presume to be an over abundance of caution).
Thanks again for making it possible for us to bring this love into our lives. Happy Holidays!