Hi Renee:

Just wanted you to know our darling schnoodle, Cody, passed away a few weeks ago. He was a healthy happy little guy almost to the end, and he died peacefully in our arms after 14 1/2 joyful years with us. I want to thank you for helping to bring Cody into this world, introducing him to us, and giving us the opportunity to adopt him as part of our family. Also, I want to thank you for being his “grandma” for all those many years when we left him with you while on vacation.
We were truly blessed to have Cody in our lives and he will be missed. But he leaves us with the most wonderful memories of a loyal and loving companion who gave us so much and asked for so little. We’re glad to see you are still breeding schnoodles and continuing to bring as much joy to other families as Cody brought to us.
Love and Peace,
Ed & Diane Block