Hi Renee: Just wanted you to know our darling schnoodle, Cody, passed away a few weeks ago. He was a healthy happy little guy almost to the end, and he died peacefully in our arms after 14 1/2 …
Remington Steele, Rowdy Yates, and Randolph Scott Update
Dear Renee, I meant to get this email off to you last week but I took off a few days to celebrate my birthday and Randolph Scott’s. My birthday was 8/13 and his was 8/14. Randolph Scott turned …
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Rowdy Yates and Remington Steele Update
Guys on Duty! Rowdy & Remington from the Batten family in VA. So cute. …
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Cody Lenenberg
As you probably know The Lenenberg's lead a hectic life and this is the first moment I have been at the computer and NOT been interrupted to send you an update on Cody. First off, he is the …
Mini Schnoodle Puppies – Bianca’s winter litter is here!
Bianca gave birth on January 8th, 2014 to 9 beautiful puppies. 3 girls and 6 boys. All are doing wonderfully! The Batten family in VA will be getting the most white boy in Bianca's litter. His …
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