Just wanted to give you an update (June 18th 2020) on Rex aka brown collar from Gracelyn’s first litter (Dec 22nd 2019). Rex is definitely fitting right in with our family. Rex has adjusted to our home well and is doing great. On the 22nd of June he will be 6 months and is right at 65 lbs. It took some persistence but he now sleeps in his crate at night and rings a door bell when he wants to go out to potty. Rex knows several basic commands like come, sit, laydown, shake and wait/leave it. Rex is really a “family” dog, by family dog I mean he REALLY loves his family. He does not like to be separate from us at all. He will follow you everywhere you go (literally under your feet!) He really enjoys going to the park and has enjoyed camping! One thing you mentioned when we adopted a Giant is that people will stop you to just talk about and pet your puppy. Boy is that true! People always want to stop and give him love and he just eats it up. Rex is extra loving to people we let into our home (we’re working on that) However, he has a great deep bark and is leery of people that just show up which is great!
Thanks again!