This female is tagged pink collar. She is on the small side and is just a cutie. She has a white chin, neck and blaze. Just a doll baby!
Pierce Schnoodles is keeping her! Her name is Princess. Shortly after her first adoptive family adopted her, they were called back into the office vs working remotely. We had gotten attached to her and felt it was the best thing for us to keep her. She is so cute and cuddly and part of our forever family. Her and Joshua are the best of buds.

This female is tagged yellow collar. This gorgeous pup is getting some highlights in the coat. Looks like silver or tan. Will be striking when grown to offset the black. This little girl is a doll. Such a cutie! Great fur, so soft and fluffy. Her name is Valley and she has gone home with the Lippincott family of NC as her forever home. This family also owns Leah one of Pierce Schnoodles retired mini schnauzer mommas. Valley will be a buddy for Leah. They are sure to have loads of fun times.

This male is tagged light blue collar. This is the only little boy in the litter. Such a sweetie. He is a little snuggle bud. His forever home is with the Gambino family of NC.

This female is tagged green collar. This gorgeous girl is the largest of the females and has awesome fur. She has a white chin and white blaze. She has a forever home with the Murdock family of MD. Her name is Rosie. The family is very excited to get her!

This female is tagged purple collar. She is also a small pup and just a sweetie. Beautiful parti color! Her forever home is with the Jena family of MA, they are super excited to get this little doll baby. Her name is Zoe & her big brother is a giant Schnoodle she can look up to and follow.

Grace’s litter is back from the vet. They had their initial check, tail docking, and dew claw removal if any. This litter is so pretty and handsome!

Grace had her babies this morning 3/15. First one born 3:00 am. Total of 5 cuties! At first check 4 girls 1 boy. The little boy is black, girls are black and 1 parti. Grace took it all in stride and is being an excellent new mom. These pups are available – apply to get one today!
Grace in her box awaiting babies. Due Friday 3/17. I think she will share before then. Grace is smaller mom, solid like a typical pure schnauzer. Sweet and calm. She will produce awesome babies. These pups are available – apply to get one today!

Karen Motiska says
I am looking for schnoodle puppies for sale. I had to put my beloved Schnauzer Chloe Lue down for she was my mother’s dog of six years old due to liver cancer. I live alone and I can’t stand coming back from work to an empty home.
Renee M Sweeley says
We have available pups. Please submit an application via the site and we will respond and get you a new baby to help heal your heart.
Bev Sargent Noble says
I just lost my last schnoodle, of four, to complications from IBD and Diabetes. Her name was Grace. She was a black schnoodle. I would love to have the opportunity to raise a new schnoodle, whose mother’s name is Grace.
Renee M SWEELEY says
We have 2 beautiful females available from Grace’s litter. Please check out the website for pics of each.
Grace has been a great mom. The babies are calm and sweet and very loving – just like mom!
Submit an application to get yourself a Grace baby!
James parker says
Hello I just lost buster he was a cream/tan color about 45 lbs. had him for 13 years. I would share like another boy cream color if. Possible. How much do you get for them? Thanks James parker
Renee M SWEELEY says
So sorry about your loss of Buster.
We breed the mini’s and giants not the standard size like your Buster was. If you would be interested in something smaller or larger, please submit an application via the site if you are interested and we will respond.
Nancy Anderson says
I noticed the Pink collar female is described as “smaller” (as is her mom, Grace). My husband and I are actually looking for a Toy sized Schnoodle (10lbs and under).
Given that this cute girl is smaller than her siblings, do you think she will end up in this size category? Also, what is her current weight?
We lost our 14 yr old Schnoodle last fall and really miss having a pup in the house. Thanks for any info!