As you probably know The Lenenberg's lead a hectic life and this is the first moment I have been at the computer and NOT been interrupted to send you an update on Cody. First off, he is the …
Josie Gage
On Josie's first birthday we wanted to let you know that she is a wonderful addition to our family and she is doing great! Thank you for sharing her with us. The Gage family. …
Zoey Barnes
Hi Renee, I just wanted to send you a couple recent pictures of Zoey. She is getting so big. She is a doll, and those eyes...well they melt my heart. I hope all is well your way. :) …
Henry Walter
I saw Henry’s baby sister only once so far, hard to remember Henry being that small! Henry is doing great, see below. …
Remington Steele
Thought I’d touch base with you. Remington went to the vet on Monday and weighed in at 7.1 lbs!!! Growing like a weed! I’ve attached a couple of pictures! One is Remington playing tug-of-war with …
Ruby Bundy
Just wanted to let you know that our drive back to Florida went fine and Ruby is doing great! She is so smart and has a wonderful personality. This little girl knows what she wants and doesn't miss …
Audrey & Chloe
Dear Renee, I hope that you are doing well. Yesterday we celebrated three year since we brought Audrey home--that small, fluffy ball of sunshine! She is so wonderful. We are grateful for her every …
Jasper Zurich turns 7
Min catching ball
Min continues to love balls. She was so excited when she saw all these balls out for xmas. Easy to get her to jump for the photo. Nan wanted me to tell you what super traveler she was last Friday. …
Jasper Zurich
Merry Christmas Renee to u and ur family..... love, Jeannie & Jasper and the whole Zurich family from NJ …